Personal Numerology Report Package

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Usually the first & last name
Including full middle name, not just the letter
Usually the first & last name
Including full middle name, not just the letter


Do you want more insight into why you’re alive?

Let the power of Numerology unlock the hidden meaning of your life so You can start experiencing life at Your Full Potential!

Our Numerologist will decipher the extended meaning of your birth date and name, so you can utilize the hidden gifts in them. Live your life prepared for the trends that are coming your way, and make better decisions based on your life path!

You get 30+ pages of detailed information about the five main core numbers in your personal chart:

  • Life Path – Your most fulfilling direction and the major lessons
  • Heart’s Desire – Your desires at the very deepest level
  • Birth Day – How you’re likely to react to life’s challenges
  • Expression – Your talents and abilities
  • Personality – Your surface traits and how people perceive you

BONUS for Token Rock visitors!

You will be provided with a very thorough description of the ‘timing’ influences in your life with a monthly forecast for the next 2 years so you can get a better grasp on your future.
