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Healing at August 14 New Moon

Aug 14, 2015

Feeling more sensitive or on edge regarding a relationship? Use Friday’s new moon energies to help you uncover new approaches to healing what’s out of balance. This particular new moon cycle indeed is likely to shine a spotlight on relationship issues. Welcome this nudge from the universe, using it for healing and resolving things you sense need addressing.

Drama, Passions, New Beginnings

In these moments, you may notice more drama surfacing between people, perhaps accompanied by revelations long under cover yet now needing to be aired. Authentic relationships need regular reassessment and updating, people appropriately sharing what needs to be said. The optimal words at the right time, said to someone available and willing to hear them can go a long way this week as you approach key relationships.

New moons, by their very nature, are an excellent time to break new ground in relationships – whether it’s someone you recently met or a longtime friend. No two people remain static, each shifting in small and sometimes huge ways over the weeks and months.

Times of Quantum Shifting

These are times of quantum shifting, catalyzing big changes in view and accelerated spiritual growth. Staying current with others, therefore, is directly connected to being up to date with you. Regular meditation, spiritual practice, and healing work can help you be present to your own shifting. As you become more aware of your own changes, you can be more authentic and impactful as you interact with others.

Regular inner work helps you see yourself more clearly, acknowledging your progress and your courage for moving through challenges. The result: you develop more self-love and self-compassion – essential qualities as you relate to others.

Beginnings and Endings
Sometimes a new moon like Friday’s stimulates a replay of very old energies or the resurfacing of an old flame. If a romantic partner from your past appears – physically or simply in your own mind – consider the possibility that it’s because you are holding on to the fantasy and need to let it go. To move forward with your love life in this cycle if you are unattached, it’s vital to complete any unfinished business with past partners.

DNA and Relationships

Eliminating a longing for a past partner is often more difficult than it appears on the surface. You cannot simply will your mind to stop thinking about someone when deeper issues are at play. The subconscious mind is a powerful orchestrator of relationships, with DNA-level patterns out of ordinary view. Many times these patterns involve your lineage, past lives, or even oaths made before you entered this life. The key here is that if you really do want to move on and find another partner, but it seems impossible to do so, it’s helpful to explore these deeper levels. This new moon is a perfect time to do that exploration!

Tips for This New Moon

Here are three tips for this new moon cycle – extending from now through the weekend.

First, set your intention to be in self-discovery mode and open to new ways of approaching situations.

Second, consider what stirs your passion to be alive. Take action on these passions.

Third, give your Higher Self permission to steer you away from time wasters and into productive ways to express your love and light.

You are eternal, yet you have only one lifetime in this body during these pivotal moments on Earth. Make the most of each moment, each interaction, and what you can learn from each challenge. Always remember that you are divine, precious, and worthy of traveling the path of a divine changemaker.

© Selacia


Selacia is an internationally known writer, intuitive healer, and guide to others on the path of spiritual awakening. Also author of The Golden Edge, she has been a writer her entire life. She is a former foreign correspondent with The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and other media. As an international journalist, she has decades of experience in the areas of world politics and social change, healing and consciousness, and spiritual transformation. In her professional journalism career, Selacia covered the White House, U.S. Congress, G8 meetings, economic summits, key heads of state such as Margaret Thatcher, and world trade talks. During her time in Washington, focusing on politics and macroeconomics, she reported on the Federal Reserve, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and Fannie Mae. This early background gave her an insider's view of today's global economic meltdown and the politics of global imbalances. The author is a pioneer in DNA intuitive healing, serving people everywhere who desire wholeness and a heart-centered life. In her global healing work, she has addressed the United Nations (S.E.A.T.), and her writings are read in sixty-four countries. This prolific writer has in her ancestral family tree the beloved writer Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. The American poet Longfellow (1807-82), best known for works including The Song of Hiawatha, had a gift of simple, romantic storytelling in verse and a sound lyric sense. His works were rooted in literature rather than in life. On the other hand, Longfellow's descendant, Selacia, focuses her writing in ways that reflect real life. She has dedicated her life to spirit and to helping others connect with their true spiritual nature. Naturally intuitive from an early age, Selacia has a lifelong connection with her own inner wisdom. Her spiritual guides include a group of highly evolved nonphysical beings called The Council of 12. The loving energy of these wise guides has become an integral part of Selacia's life and work. Selacia is known on all continents for bringing The Teachings of The Council of 12 - to others in global meditation events focused on personal and planetary healing. Over the past two decades, Selacia has undertaken in-depth studies involving healing, consciousness, and ancient shamanic and spiritual paths. As part of that, she has studied with a number of great teachers, including those from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, as well as leading edge visionaries and healers. She lives in Southern California.
